W.T. Melon

Official blog of Douglas Evans, children's book author

My Photo
Location: Classroom at the End of the Hall, California, United States

Author of numerous books for children, including The Elevator Family, MVP: Magellan Voyage Project, and the Classroom Creature Trilogy: Classroom at the End of the Hall, Math Rashes, and Mouth Moths.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Captain John Paul Jellyfish e-book

My first book for children is now available for Kindle, Nook, and iPad.  Follow the valorous adventures of the bravest jelly to ever sail the Seven Seas.

Captain John Paul Jellyfish

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

MVP: Magellan Voyage Project Skype Talks

         Talking with classes around the country about MVP: Magellan Voyage Project has been a lot of fun, especially when  the kids dress up as Baron Von Sheepsbottom, Meredith Emerson, Adam Story, and other characters from the book.  Many teacher use the book about traveling around the world as part of their social studies curriculum.  Here's a brilliant class in Wichita, Kansas that knew an amazing amount about time zones, continents, and the countries that Adam traveled through.


Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A,B,See Spot Run! ebook now available in Kindle or epub format

A,B,See Spot Run!  The official Spot alphabet book now available in Kindle and epub format for Nook, Ipad, and other e-readers.
Evans Ebooksl


Bedbugs and Noe School for Nook and Ipad

The e-books Bedbugs and Noe School (an ebook without a solitary e in it) are now available in e-pub format for the Nook, iPad, and other ebook readers.

Evans ebooks